Wednesday 4 January 2012

Invertebrate compartive study

Movement and skeleton:

The earthworm has a hydrostatic skeleton and it moves by contracting its muscles and cilia.

The crayfish has an exoskeleton and to move it uses its walking legs and swimmerets.

Excretory system:

The earthworms excretory system consists of structural units called nephridium and they have their digestive tract to excrete waste.

The crayfishes excretory system is located at the base of antennae and it mainly removes ammonia.

Habitat and respiration:

The earthworm lives in moist soil and breathes through their skin.

The crayfish lives in freshwater environments and breathes through their gills.

Reproductive organs:

The earthworm is a hermaphrodite, meaning they have both female and male reproductive organs, but they do not mate with themselves.

The crayfish has one gender, either male or female.

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