Wednesday 25 January 2012

Comparitve study of rat and human

The circulatory system of the rat and humans:
Both the rat and humans have a 4 chambered heart, which includes 2 atria and 2 ventricles. The circulatory system consists of blood, the heart and blood vessels.
·         Blood: connective tissue of liquid plasma and cells.
·         Heart: a muscular pump that circulates blood.
·         Blood vessels: include arteries, capillaries and veins that deliver blood to all tissues.

Rat heart is located near the top of the animal.

Human circulatory system, arteries are red, veins are blue.

A: right atrium
B: left atrium
The atria collect blood from the veins
C: Left ventricle
D: Right Ventricle
The ventricles pump blood out of the heart into the arteries

The digestive system of the rat and humans
·         The digestive system enables animals to break down food that they eat and obtain energy for other body processes.
Two differences between rat and humans
·         Rats don’t have a gallbladder, whereas humans do.
·         The rat has a large cecum, which is designed to break down harsh foods that the rat ingests, humans still have a cecum but it is smaller in comparison to the rat.

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