Tuesday 13 December 2011

Obelia Medusa

Obelia Medusa is apart of the phyla Cnideria and their class is Hydroza, it is simple in structure. In their life cycle they have two stages: poly and medusa. They are mainly marine aquatic organisms and are diploblastic. They have no brain and the medusae reproduce sexually.

When we looked at the Obelia Medusa it was hard to find it under the microscope. When we did find it there was two different things, one was a spiral shape then we moved it around and found the Obelia Medusa, this is a picture of what we saw.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Invertebrate sort onto animal tree-Dec.8

Today we looked at the different animals and what their phylas were. There were 3 different ones, Mollusca, Chordata and Arthropoda. It was really interesting to see how many of the animals are apart of the phylum Chordata, which is the phyla that humans are in.

Tuesday 6 December 2011


We looked at different types of worms, the common name of them was Flatworms, Roundworms and Segmented worms. For Flatworms the phylum is Platyhelminthes, for Roundworms the phylym is Nematoda and for Segmented Worms the phylum is Annelida. An example of a Flatworm is a tapeworm an example of a roundworm is a hookworm or a heartworm and an example of a segmented worm is a leech, a brisleworm and an earthworm.


Monday 5 December 2011

Animal Characteristics

General animal characteristics are: Hetrotrophs, ingest food, primarily diploid, and reproduce sexually.  Two types of animals: invertebrates and vertebrates. Two types of animal symmetry: Radial and Bilateral. Radial symmetry can be divided along any plane and Bilateral symmetry can be divided down its length and have similar right and left halves.